Animals in Tokushima historic site katsuura scenery TOKUSHIMA sightseeing

Start climbing] Diceke Tokushima's Yamainudake Challenge 2 [......] even though the moss is visible.


Where is the Moss World? "Where is Princess Mononoke?" I kept going on and on, wondering where Princess Mononoke was. By this stage, my legs were completely sore.

Aha, my legs must be lifting my entire weight…

The mountain paths remind us once again of the obvious.

Walking along a path between moss and moss, I found a sign facing backwards. I ran up to it.

Water Moss Sights →.

Yes, here we are! Arrived at the biggest attraction of this visit, the "Water Moss Spot". I was surprised to see the word "water" suddenly added to the "moss spot," even though it was initially written as "a place to see moss.

But I already had a vague idea of what to expect. I could tell by the moss on the way here, or the moss around the sign, "Hey, isn't this day too serious? Maybe you're not in your best form today. I thought.

But of course I'm going to see it!

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-Animals in Tokushima, historic site, katsuura, scenery, TOKUSHIMA sightseeing

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