The story of how I satisfied my stomach and soul by slurping Chinese noodles at the famous hideout restaurant "Kiguya" in Anan City, Tokushima Prefecture.
2000/02/28 -English, TOKUSHIMA sightseeing, 徳島ラーメン, 美味しい記事, 阿南
I go to the hospital for rehabilitation, and one of my favorite things to do is to have lunch at a ramen shop on the way home. This time, I decided to visit a ramen restaurant that I had never been able to visit despite being a mutual follower on Twitter. The name of the restaurant is ……, Kiguya This woodworking store is closed irregularly, which is not my favorite style of store, but I can rest assured that they will let me know on Twitter whether they are "closed today" or "open today". And if my analysis is correct, ...