「gourmet」 一覧

Iya Soba Restaurant, Soba Dojo, Soba-noodle Shop, Iya Soba

Out of the blue, do you know the difference between yamakake-soba and tororosoba?  The correct answer is kneaded into the article. lol Now let's start the main part. The day after the previous article (about the blunder at Onomiya-san). The word "lodger's sickness" is written "futsukaiyo". I had a light headache and mild nausea due to lodging sickness. I spent the day after the blunder, feeling more dull than anything else. I spent a somewhat languid morning, and by the time noon came around, I had recovered a little. I felt a small hunger sensation and gloated, "Oh, a sign ...

Nishi-Iya] Guden Guden at Onomiya Izakaya, a beloved local izakaya [Crushed

A senior colleague at work invited me to a beloved local tavern. Before these times, we used to have year-end parties (called "drinking parties") so that we would "forget the year several times a year," and we used to have reunion parties (called "drinking parties") several times a year, and we used to celebrate something or other throughout the year, and we used to drink a lot on the pretext of celebrating. It had been more than three full years since I had been to an izakaya, and I could not contain my elation on the way to the restaurant. ...

Iya Soba Restaurant, Soba Noodle Soup, etc.

If there were a "must-try when you come to Iya" ranking, there is one dish that would probably be in the Hall of Fame after being voted No. 1 for several years in a row. That is Iya soba. Iya soba has appeared on this site several times and has been introduced several times. I like this ultimately simple and rustic soba. The reason why I like it so much is because it calms me down. So this time, I would like to introduce a soba noodle restaurant deep in the mountains in Higashi-Iya. The name of the restaurant is ...

The road to complete domination of Cafe & Ghibier 2 [Wild Deer Cheeseburger

Last time, I said to Mr. Yokogawa, the representative of Cafe & Ghibier, "I will come to eat all kinds of food. I promised him that I would come back about once a month. To keep that promise, and because I wanted to try that delicious gibier burger again, I went to Oboke Roadside Station again on my day off. There was no representative this time.(Maybe I was just lucky last time.)I went to the counter with this thought in mind. A menu with many items. However, having decided what to order by the time I arrived at the restaurant, ...

Ghibier] Bite into a Ghibier Burger at Cafe & Ghibier [Oboke].

When we were filming and interviewing at the Oboke Yokai Yashiki (Specter House) Roadside Station, there was a store in the same roadside station that we thought we would like to introduce, so we asked the owner of the store to come and interview the owner. (By the way, we were very careful not to interfere with their business.) Here is that store. Cafe & Ghibier I'm sure there are many Tokushima residents who know about this place because it was featured in the Tokushima Shimbun. As the name of the restaurant suggests, it is "a cafe where you can ...

Born in Tokushima and raised in Tokushima, I enjoy sightseeing in Tokushima alone Naruto Roadside Station Ninth Village Edition

I decided to play hard after a long time, so I left home in my car after 8 am. However, it is completely no plan. I jumped out without thinking about anything. For the time being, let's have breakfast at Naruto Road Station. Naruto Road Station "Dai 9 no Sato" has a deep connection with Germany, so you can eat delicious German beer and German sausages. Since my first visit six years ago, I have loved the roadside station, Ninth Village. About 25 km from the house. It takes about 40 minutes by car. I arrived at just 9 o'clock. ...

[Awa City]A story about a bus-type ramen shop, Chukasoba Asahiken, stopping by Taikoo No. 6.

The ramen shop has an outstanding presence that I am curious about. I know of no other ramen shop like it. This ramen shop is a Chuka-Soba Asahiken Taikoo 6 What a surprise, they converted a real bus and are using it as a store! At any rate, I entered the restaurant and ordered an orthodox-looking "Chuka Soba" (Chinese noodles). The restaurant was run by a calm and kind lady alone. (Huh? According to my acquaintance, my father was supposed to be the one doing it.) How I enjoyed looking around the restaurant, or rather the car. My seat number. ...

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