awa gourmet TOKUSHIMA sightseeing

I bought breakfast from the only Bon Curry vending machine in operation in the country, Coin Snack Gosho 24 [Shocking Truth].


Return home → actual food

I got home at about 6:30 am. That's great. Last week it took me 2 hours each way lol.

It took me about 15 minutes to get home, and it hasn't cooled down at all. It's still warm.

Look at this folded sign. It says, "Curry and rice, please serve warm as soon as possible." It's very kind. How kind.

This is what it looks like when you remove such a fold over.

Hey, wait a minute! Hey, hey, hey, hey, …… ain't that Bon Curry! LOL!

But, well, it's all about the atmosphere, isn't it? I don't care how many personalities there are in a curry, they all have one thing in common: they're all good!

However, I was a little worried that the curry might overflow because of the unexpectedly large amount of rice.

I'll put the curry in the bowl with a big splash: …… Oh, perfect! I see. The perfect amount of rice and the way the curry was poured and laid out. That lady is a real expert.

Eat. …… Yum, yum! But it's a taste I know well. It would have been better if I had eaten it while being pecked by swallows in the heavy rain at the site. Failure, failure.

But it was delicious. Thanks for the feast!

Well, maybe it was a good thing that I was dry after all. It was a nice way to get rid of the dampness of the rainy season, and I was able to sweat it out.

I took some photos of what else is available.

Coca-Cola vending machine

I got a little excited and bought it.

Gum vending machine and rubber glove vending machine

I've never seen a rubber glove vending machine before. It was a light shock, or maybe a bit of a heavy shock. But there are many farmers in Awa City, so I am sure there is quite a demand for them.

There was also an udon vending machine, which is often found in unmanned service areas or parking areas, but I forgot to take a picture of it.

But there are places to go if you look for them. There are spots where you can have fun even when it's raining. What? There are plenty of such places, right? Movie theaters, sports halls, etc.? 

You don't understand. There are nice spots everywhere, no matter who looks at them. What I want to do is to say, "If I think about it, it's a nice spot! I want to go there.

Okay, I'm going to check out some spots we can go to for a rainy Saturday and Sunday. It's too much trouble, so I'll let someone else do it. See you then. Baibi.

-awa, gourmet, TOKUSHIMA sightseeing