English TOKUSHIMA sightseeing 徳島市 文化

Pokéka] I went to an event at the Shikoku University Plaza, where the world's second-ranked Pokémon card player, Cernigo, descended on the plaza, and asked him questions.


In response to a question about diet.
(Summary) "I pay attention to what I eat before competitions. Eating a lot of fatty foods and caffeine can affect my sleep, so I'm careful."
(After a competition, I eat without worrying about what's bad for me.

(Summary) "My favorite type of Pokémon is Water Pokémon."
(My favorite Pokémon type is Fighting.
(Summary) "I don't practice Pokémon the day before a tournament. If I think about it too much, I get lightheaded and can't sleep.

What is the most expensive Pokémon you own? He answered, "The most expensive Pokéka (that I own)." He said, "Only the top three in the world competition can get it," which is a very rare card. It is a card that only the chosen ones are allowed to have. The audience was thrilled.

Cernigo answered each question from the children and our big friends with a big smile on his face.

I got the impression that the participants felt comfortable asking questions because he was willing to answer any questions they had.

After the free talk was over, we heard about Pokémon cards, Haya, and Cernigo's story of how he got into Pokémon cards, overcame various setbacks, and became the world's No. 2 Pokémon Card Player. There was also a question-and-answer session, in which Cernigo, who had already accepted a lot of questions during the free talk, was willing to take even more.

After the first part was over, the audience took a half-hour break. During the break, a commemorative photo was taken, and a small drawing and announcement began. One was the drawing for the two challengers for the second part of the tournament, "VS Cernigo. The second was a drawing for an autograph gift from Cernigo, which was limited to 20 people.

I omitted the Cernigo player since he had nothing to do with me. As for the drawing for the autograph gift, it seems that the family before mine won. Well, it would have been nice if my child had won.

Congratulations to those who survived the lottery for the 200-person limited event and were able to get the gift limited to another 20 people!

To be honest, I was confident in my luck, but this time it was my undoing.

Dismayed, I went downstairs to the first floor to get a drink. I bought a peach-flavored Irohasu and went up the stairs again.

I sat down in the same front seat as the first part of the event and waited for the second part to begin while writing an article on my smartphone.

What kind of battle would Cernigo, one of the best Pokémon players in Japan, who is aiming to become the world's No. 1 Pokémon player, show us?

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-English, TOKUSHIMA sightseeing, 徳島市, 文化