English 他都道府県 史跡・城跡 雑記

Kagawa Business Trip] Kagawa-Tokushima Prefecture Tour with Mr. Pokemon Daiginjo [Yadon Park



The Pokémon collaboration with each prefecture is an activity called "Pokémon Local Acts ~Chiiki no Chikara de tsukkutte sugeki! 〜The collaboration between prefectures and Pokémon is a result of an activity called "Pokémon Local Acts - Local Power is Amazing! And according to the official website, as of mid-August 2023, collaborations are being conducted in 8 prefectures in Japan.

Hokkaido is Rokon. Iwate is Ishitsubute. Laplace in Miyagi. Fukushima is Lucky. Mie is Mijumaru. Tottori is Sand. Miyazaki is Nassy. And Kagawa is Yadon.

And each of these prefectures has released a number of collaborative products, which seem to be playing a role or two in regional revitalization. Oh, I really love it.

Oh, that's right. I found out that there are a total of 18 types of Yadon manholes in Kagawa Prefecture, all of which have different designs. It seems that other prefectures also have a lot of manholes. It would be quite a challenge to go through all of them, but I'm sure there will be a great sense of fulfillment and accomplishment when I complete the list, lol.

Interesting collaboration. I wish Tokushima Prefecture would be greedy and explicit in their collaboration efforts. I can't catch a spider's thread unless I reach out where I can reach out.

Well, that's all for now. I'll see you soon.

-English, 他都道府県, 史跡・城跡, 雑記

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