awa gourmet TOKUSHIMA sightseeing

I bought breakfast from the only Bon Curry vending machine in operation in the country, Coin Snack Gosho 24 [Shocking Truth].


5:50 a.m. Departure

At 5:50 a.m., I left home wearing a black top and bottom jersey and a West Iron Lions hat.

The address was vague after checking the Internet, so I put an address that I thought was in the area into the navigation system and set off.

I drove the car according to the navigation system, which made me take a bit of a detour, but I arrived at the site a little after 6:00 a.m., roughly on schedule. Even though it was only 6:00 a.m., a lady greeted us with a "good morning" as she cleaned up.

Then, I found the vending machine I was looking for, the Bon Curry vending machine familiar to me from the picture of Master Nizuru in his baseball uniform saying, "You can also take it home.

Last night, while casually doing some preliminary research, I learned that this vending machine is the only one still in operation. If I'm wrong, I'm really sorry.

I searched my wallet for coins, but found only two 1 yen pieces, three 5 yen pieces, and three 10 yen pieces each. Bon Curry is 300 yen.

I had no choice but to go into the game arcade corner on the east side of the facility to exchange some money, and with 10 100-yen coins in my hand, I stood in front of Master Nitsuru again. Then I noticed that they were out of "sweet" and only had "dry". Well, that was good. If they were sold out of both, it would have been worth the trip.

So, chirping, chirping, chirping, I put in a 100-yen coin and pushed in the "dry" button, which did not light up, with a giggle. Then, I heard a gurgling sound at the bottom. A container that looked like it might contain inari sushi or nori rolls," wrapped in a yellow fold over, had fallen vertically. Sliding the closed opening upward, I took it out and found it to be quite heavy. As one would expect from Bon Curry.

Actually, you can eat at Coin Snack Gosho 24 (where Chief Arino and Mr. Kibe ate at Game Center CX). (This is where Chief Arino and Mr. Kibe ate at Game Center CX.) But since it was going to rain a bit hard and there were swallows flying around inside, I decided to take Master Nizuru's word for it today and take some home.

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-awa, gourmet, TOKUSHIMA sightseeing