English TOKUSHIMA sightseeing 徳島企画 徳島土産 徳島県のいろは 徳島銘菓 文化 美味しい記事

Gokoku Collaboration] Grapes Manju and Authentic Imojochu: A Tale of Tasting the Wrinkled Satomusume [Naruto Kintoki Imojochi on the rocks


Hinode Lucky Coupon 100 million yen 

These elaborate omake are always a source of joy and excitement, no matter how old you are. The fact that you can write down your wish and put it in your wallet for a good luck charm is also interesting. The reason why he started to include these omake is because Mr. Yoshitaro Nishikawa wanted to bring smiles to his customers' faces and give them something to talk about as a souvenir.

It seems that Mr. Yoshitaro Nishikawa liked to think of interesting things, such as the birth story of grape buns and the 100 million yen bill.

Now that we have fully enjoyed the packaging, the 100 million yen bill, and the outside, it is time to get to the inside. Now, let's eat!

eating something for real

Five cute buns resembling grapes are strung together.

I will have a bite.

The taste is quite light. The sweetness is moderate, and I like that it is not sticky. It is not heavy, so you can eat it one after another. It is delicious.

This makes me want to try a marriage with Tokushima Prefecture's sake as a selfish collaboration. I had a great experience with Kawada Manjyu last time, so I pulled out the sake with high expectations for this time as well.

Yes. It is the same as the last time.

The color is similar to the last time. Let's have it on the rocks.

First, I ate a bun and poured Satomusume shochu on the rocks. All the attention is concentrated on the tongue.

…… Hmmm. It doesn't match.

If you think of them separately, they are good, but as a combination, they don't go well together. I think that the best combination for shochu and whiskey is sweets with a strong sweetness.

In conclusion, it is best to enjoy grape buns and sato-musume separately!

By the way, the video of the marriage of grape buns and sato-musume is also available on YouTube, so if you are interested, please take a look.


-English, TOKUSHIMA sightseeing, 徳島企画, 徳島土産, 徳島県のいろは, 徳島銘菓, 文化, 美味しい記事

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