English 他都道府県 史跡・城跡 雑記

Kagawa Business Trip] Kagawa-Tokushima Prefecture Tour with Mr. Pokemon Daiginjo [Yadon Park


First destination Yadong Park

Yadong Park. As the name suggests, this park is home to many Yadon, the familiar creatures from the first Pokemon. According to the Kagawa Prefecture website, it is a new park that opened in May of this year (2023). (Although it is new, it looks like the Yadongs were brought into the park that originally existed. ……)

Why Yadong in Kagawa Prefecture?

You may be thinking, "Yadon Paradise in Kagawa", but Kagawa Prefecture has officially collaborated with Pokémon, and it seems that Yadon and Udon go together. It is an exciting collaboration called the Udon PR group, and there are many related goods, but I will not introduce them here because I am frustrated and envious (for more information, please visit the Yadon Paradise in Kagawa Prefecture website).

Since it was the beginning of summer vacation, there were many children running around the park with lots of energy. The two of us wandered around the park, greeting each and every Yadon as we went.

You can play on the playground equipment with Yadon and his friends!

But even so, Kagawa Prefecture is making good use of the Pokemon collaboration.

That's not fair, Kagawa Prefecture.

Yadon is good. Because it's called Udon. Yadran and Yadokin, which are evolved versions of Yadon, are also good. But it's not fair to include Shelder, too.

No, I understand that Shellder is closely related to Yadoran.

What kind of Pokémon would fit in Tokushima Prefecture?

When I was talking with my brother Ma after we got home, he said, "Gnaromo, Gnarozo, Gnarobon? I see. I see. A combination of Naruto's whirlpool and the vortex in the belly of a gnarled gnomon. That would mean that gnorotono would be OK, too. I think Satoshi Tajiri, the creator of Pokemon, liked Gnoromo, so he might say "No." lol

Now, let's go back to Yadon Park.

The Yadong Park has more than just playground equipment. Yes, not only the playground equipment.

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-English, 他都道府県, 史跡・城跡, 雑記

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