English TOKUSHIMA sightseeing 吉野川 徳島企画 文化

Yoshinogawa City] Loneliness test competition & Canned food and drink at night at the former Taneno Elementary School [Haunted].


These are three canned foods that will make your night.

Canned yakitori, canned steak, canned broiled sanma.
Beer, cocktails, and whiskey.
With all this, we can enjoy the night.

First of all, let's have a cocktail to cheer us up.

It's peach flavored, apparently. When I was 21 or 21-2, I liked a sweet sake named "Snow White" and ordered it all the time. I remember "Snow White" was also peach-flavored.

It's good.

It was empty in no time.

Next, beer. I was drinking canned beer for canned beer, but a follower pointed out to me that I was supposed to drink it as is, and I laughed and said, "Indeed. Well, I wanted to use a new glass, so ok, ok.

Open the kabayaki of the saury!
Kakikyu, kari-kari-kari, kyan!

I'd love to hear ASMR of the sound you make when you open a can. I kind of like it.

Terra-terra-terra-terra-terra-terra-terra-terra-terra-terra-terra-terra-terra-terra-terra-terra-terra-tea kabayaki with this sauce.

I bring it to my mouth, unraveling it little by little. The sweet and spicy yet savory snacks make the beer go down a treat.

(I wish I had more rice.)

(I wish I had some rice.) But instead, I just chugged down the beer.

As I finish the kabayaki, I finish my beer at the same time. I grab a soda water from the fridge, thinking I'll have a highball next.

Not wanting to drink too much, I poured in a little less whiskey and poured in a splash of soda water. I drink it. Mmm, just right.

A highball while opening a can of yakitori.

I open a can of steak and pick it up, including a highball.

In the end, I was sufficiently tipsy after about two drinks, and, satisfied, I called it a night and called it a night.

And so, the night of the Hitorinoyoru passed away. That's all for this time. See you again.

-English, TOKUSHIMA sightseeing, 吉野川, 徳島企画, 文化

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