scenery TOKUSHIMA sightseeing waterfall sommelier yoshinogawa

Let's Drink Up Tokushima Prefecture's Waterfalls - Part 1: Suijin-no-taki Waterfall [Waterfall Sommelier


Joined by two wandering madams.

On the way to the waterfall, I was taking pictures of beautiful cherry blossoms in bloom.

Then, two madams came from the front. They spoke to me as if to say, "Hello, are you a local? They said they were trying to go to Suijin-no-taki (Water Goddess Falls), but they were lost and in trouble.

I was going to take the two madams to Suijin-no-taki Falls.

We arrived together. I bowed my thanks and headed for the waterfall, switching to a speed of about 8 to 10 kilometers per hour.

Arrival at Suijin-no-taki Waterfall

There are two types of waterfalls called "Suijin-no-taki," one male and one female. The first to appear is male.

I would like to drink from this water first.

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-scenery, TOKUSHIMA sightseeing, waterfall sommelier, yoshinogawa